Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Weekly Update & Weekend Recap: Mojiko 10K


Preparations for International Day at JHS #2


International Day at JHS #2

Japanese National Holiday "Labor Day"


Made jalepeno orange spread at JHS #2


Normal School Day
Tennis Club
Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life

2.5 km run


Mojiko Retro Marathon 10k Race
It was rainy, cold, and mentally tough. But at the same time, it was beautiful, rewarding, and just what I needed it to be. I'll run again.

Whole Heart by Gryffn played as we crossed the finish line . . .

"You've got to go whole heart ... darling, go whole heart."

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Spending the Thanksgiving holiday overseas in Japan felt foreign to say the least. Instead of spending the day with my family, talking, reminiscing, and sharing what we're thankful for while indulging in dish after dish; I was at  junior high school #2 teaching English to my students. To curb the slight homesickness I was experiencing, I FaceTimed with my family and cooked sweet potatoes for dinner. 

Weirdly enough, I felt more "thankful" during Thanksgiving this year than I have in Thanksgiving's in the past. Living in Japan as a foreigner has given me a new perspective on what it means to be an American, and how truly fortunate I am.

Japan is changing me and shaping me in more ways than I realize. I'm thankful for my time here and all that it's allowing me to experience. 

So here's my list of what I'm thankful for ...
There are explanations behind every one of these points, but I'm keeping them to myself.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Weekly Update & Weekend Recap: One life, one encounter.


coffee. school. gym. dinner & wine.

Normal school day; worked in grade 3 classes and talked about robots.


coffee. school. rest.

Normal school day; worked in grade 3 classes and talked more about robots. The students even did a mock debate/discussion about robots in English. It was great to see them communicating their ideas and opinions with one another in English. 


coffee. school. outside run. dinner & wine.

highlights of the day: talking to the students after their exams & decorating the English board.

Day 1 of Exams: I worked on projects for the upcoming International Day while students took exams. 


coffee. school. gym. dinner.

Day 2 of Exams: I worked on creating a workbook for the International Day event that will happen next week.

highlight of the day: talking to some of the staff members about "winter vacation" plans --- snowboarding in Hiroshima & golfing in Okinawa.

highlight of the day: saying "goodbye" to the grade 1 students after school. I stationed myself at the bike racks and said "goodbye" to as many of them as I could. Some of the students tell me the funniest things ... "Tuna, chicken of the sea." .... "Tomorrow, tomorrow [lyrics from Annie]" ... "Hey Mickey! I'm Minnie. Ok?!" ... 

highlight of the day: Meeting another English speaker at the gym. They are originally from Singapore; were educated in the states; and have lived in Japan for 20+ years. They work in real estate, but started out as an ALT, just like me, many years ago.


coffee. school. dinner & netflix.

highlight of the day: having a conversation with a student about hair color --- light brown, brown, dark brown, black.

"What color hair is this? [points to my hair] 
Yellow + brown = gold? This hair? What color?"

Day 3 of Exams: I finished making the materials for the International Day. I am happy with the way the worksheets and booklets turned out. They are materials I am proud of and would like to use again in the future. I'm really looking forward to International Day. I think it's going to be a great opportunity for the students to interact with foreigners from different countries, and put their English to practice. I can't wait!


Since I hadn't adventured lately, I woke up early on Saturday morning and took a train into Fukuoka. I had plans to see the Louis Vuitton America's Cup Race. I found about the race online and had even tried to purchase tickets beforehand. However, the website was in Japanese and I had a little trouble dispersing payment and pickup instructions. They said tickets would be available at the event on a first come first serve basis. I decided to take my chances and just buy a ticket once I got there. 

The train ride from Orio to Hakata Station was enjoyable, but a little crowded. I did eventually end up getting a seat about half way through. During the ride I had my headphones in and Spotify playing. I follow the Coffee Table Jazz playlist and it tends to be the perfect commuter soundtrack. 

[Orio Station]

When I arrived to Hakata Station I was immediately filled with Christmas spirit. The store fronts had already begun to decorate with garland, ornaments, Christmas trees, and Santa. It was such a nice surprise. 

I love the holiday season and was a little worried that I would be missing out on a lot of the traditions I normally would experience. But that's not the case. I m happy to report that there will be Christmas here in Japan. And honestly, their Christmas is pretty great.

Hakata Station set up a Christmas Market that will be held through Christmas Day. There are small artisian vendors and a multitude of food & beverage ones.  Since I have upcoming events to attend in Hakata and will be coming back, I didn't partake in the vendors. However, there is one that serves hot wine and I cannot wait to try it!

After browsing around and looking at Christmas decorations, I made my way to Uniqlo. Uniqlo recently launched their HEATTECH line and I have been wanting to try a few pieces. The clothes are designed to keep you warm by retaining heat, among other things. I bought a pair of cream HEATTECH joggers and a base layer neutral turtle neck. There was so much more that I wanted to buy, but I didn't want to have to take it back on the train with me. And since there is a Uniqlo in my town I knew I could pick up the pieces later. 

After Uniqlo, I took the subway to Ohorikoen (Ohori park) where I visited Starbucks. I had been wanting to see the new holiday cups.

[Having signs in English and Japanese is extremely helpful.]

[A typical train station map.]

[Ohorikoen Starbucks, Fukuoka, Japan]

From Starbucks I walked to the beach where the LV America's Cup Race was being held. I was able to purchase a ticket and make my way onto the event grounds. The Event Village was awesome. There were was so much to do an see ... driving a sail boat simulation; Pepper the SoftBank robot; Google; Moet; the Red Bull viewing area; and a line of food trucks that had one selling cup of noodle. It was great! 

[Pepper, SoftBank Robot]

I walked around for about an hour and found a spot to watch the race on the big screen. I could see the boats in the water, but the aerial coverage that the helicopter was projecting was neat to see on the screen. I'm happy to say that America, sponsored by ORACLE, won during the race that I was watching. But, the U.K., sponsored by Land Rover, won the whole thing.

[Hilton Hotel, Fukuoka]

[Fukuoka, Japan]

On my way back to Hakata Station I stumbled onto temple grounds. It was an unexpected surprise and I enjoyed looking around. It was peaceful and re-centering.

"One life, one encounter." -- Japanese Proverb I read while exploring a bookstore in AMU Plaza at Hakata Station. This proverb reminds me to be present for all things. Everything only happens once.


I spent the morning cleaning, organizing, and catching up. I was able to Facetime with my brother and then with my best friend, Katie Scott. I hadn't talked with her since my vacation stateside. We had so much to talk about!

I was unable to go to my Japanese lessons this afternoon because I was being taken to a garden party event. The event was hosted by a French woman and her Japanese husband at their house, not far from my apartment. The event consisted of an interpretive dance, music, and poetry reading. It was a beautiful a event and we all left feeling more cultured. I met some JET ALT's  at the event and had a nice time talking with them and hearing about their school life experience. We had quite a bit in common and plenty to talk about.

After the event I came back to my apartment, cooked dinner, blogged, and prepared for the work week. I also played an episode of "Billions" that is streamed on Netflix. It's my show of the moment. 

Although, I am anxiously awaiting Friday, November 25th, and the release of the Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life.

E.E. Cummings

[i carry your heart with me(i carry it in]

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
                                                      i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Weekly Update & Weekend Recap: Language Goals

M o n d a y -
Coffee. School. Gym. Dinner.

T u e s d a y -
Exceptionally fun school day. Some of the students were learning how to have a telephone conversation based on the dialogue in the text book. I had a great time "pretending" to speak on the phone with them. I even printed out paper cell phones for us to use.

W e d n e s d a y -
Coffee. School. Gym. Dinner.

T h u r s d a y -
Coffee. School. Gym. Dinner.
Highlight of the day: Cleaning with grade 3 students. We swept, we wiped, we laughed.

F r i d a y -
Coffee. School. Dinner. Tennis Club.
Highlights of the day: 1) Lunch with grade 3. We had conversations about weekend plans and future dreams. I learned that one student wants to be an architect and design houses. 2) Finding out that my tennis friends, S & K, are engaged and will be married later this month.

S a t u r d a y -
In the morning I played tennis at Katsuki Central Park. Coach A and I played doubles against, M and H. We had the omni court for 2.5 hours. The weather was sunny and warm. I was actually hot --- well, I was really overdressed. 

After tennis I came back to my apartment and got ready to meet up with some friends for coffee. We all planned to get together at the coffee shop near our gym, since the gym in what brought us together.

Over coffee and cocoa we had great conversation. L is from Korea and speaks: Korean, Japanese, and English. He is here in Japan working on his graduate degree in the field of IT and telecommunications. K is from Japan and speaks Japanese, Korean, and English. Her dream is to work for Korean Airlines.

They're both such accomplished individuals.

I had a great time talking with them and I was inspired to study Japanese harder. I'm thankful for them.

S u n d a y -
I just love Sunday's.

I love sleeping in, making coffee, and enjoying a full breakfast meal.

This morning I had fig yogurt with bananas, a cafe latte, and miso eggs. I cleaned my apartment and did a few chores. And I also chatted over FaceTime with my brother.

In the afternoon I headed to Kurosaki for my weekly Japanese Lesson. Today was an exceptionally good day! The language is slowly starting to come together. In terms of completing a puzzle, I'm beginning to piece together the border. It might not sound like much, but trust me, I'm making progress.

B didn't come to class today so I was forced to interact with the other class members. It's unbelievably rewarding because it pushes me out of my comfort zone and makes me converse. I made a new friend today ... H. They're from Indonesia and have passed their N3 proficiency test. They studied for 2 years before taking the exam, which they took twice before passing. Once again, I was in awe of someone and felt my motivation for learning the language increase.

I'm happy to say that I know what I'm working towards now ... I have language goals.

After class I went straight to the gym. I did a leg circuit and a short run on the treadmill. It was a simple workout, but my legs were shaky afterwards.

. . . Joining the Japanese Conversation Table has been by far one of the best things I've done since coming to Japan. It's something I look forward to every week.

Happy Veterans Day

I'm thankful for all the men and women who serve our country, and I'm especially thankful for my father, a retired Air Force fighter pilot. Being a part of a military family has given me more than I'll ever know. I'm proud to say it's a major part of who I am.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Weekly Update & Weekend Recap: Feeling Senitmental

For Halloween this year, I celebrated with a few of the ALT's from my training group. We dressed up, drank wine, and ate so much Japanese Halloween candy. It was fun to have people to share the holiday with. Surprisingly, Halloween has become a celebrated holiday in Japan. I heard about a lot of Halloween parties being held in the major city centers. It's not exactly the same as an American Halloween -- there isn't trick-or-treating -- but teenagers and young adults have fun dressing up in costumes. Since COSPlay is a part of Japanese culture, people enjoy any excuse to dress up in 'costume'. 

Since I'm not one for large crowds of people dressed in costume --- I'm so afraid, that I haven't and won't even watch the PURGE --- I enjoyed my low key Halloween celebration. I threw on a mask and grabbed a bottle of wine. That was enough for me. 

"My Natural Habitat"

Celebrating Halloween with C. She was an anime character --- LOLA ?

Kabocha flavored Kit-Kat bars for Halloween. Melt in your mouth goodness! 
Oishi desu. 

I had another great week of classes. I enjoyed my time at JHS #1. The week was busy and flew by. I made it to the gym a couple of times this week and also did a little 'winter wardrobe' shopping. I'm happy to say that blanket scarves are popular here in Japan, too. I was able to pick up two of them! -- small victory.

Loving this fall weather and all of the neutrals.

I should have believed people when they said, "It gets cold in Japan." It seems like I've been wearing my NorthFace every single day. 

On my way to school to celebrate "Culture Festival". It was a great day of music performances, art-work, Japanese culture, and positive energy. I'm so happy I had the chance to experience this school celebration. 

Seeing fireworks in celebration of Culture Day from my patio was an unexpected surprise. They were beautiful!

On Friday night I went to tennis practice and had a blast! Even though I was freezing, I had a great time hitting. Playing on omni courts is so much fun. I've still been playing in my hard court shoes so I'm slipping and sliding all over the place. It's a cool feeling though. 

I'm also getting noticeably stronger. The workouts have been paying off. My serve has improved and the depth of my forehand shots is much deeper. I'm so pleased.  

After getting back to my apartment, I cooked miso rice and tofu and watched TERRACE HOUSE: BOYS AND GIRLS IN THE CITY. I seriously love this show. It's like the Japanese version of The Hills and The City. It's all in Japanese, but it has English sub-titles.  I understand just a little, but at least it's something.

Saturday, November 5th

Saturday was spent sleeping in, detoxing, and hitting the gym. I had a great run thanks to the new music I downloaded on Spotify. I've been playing James Arthur's Say You Won't Let Go over and over again. It's a slow song, but I'm able to run to it because I love the words. I kind of just zone out. 

The weather here in Kyushu is crisp and cool. I've been wrapped up in sweaters, scarves, and my COSTCO blanket. I can't get enough. This weather just makes me happy. I love summer and being at the beach ... but fall sure does steal my heart every time it comes around. 

scarves. boots. pumpkin spice lattes. fall leaves. overcast cozy weather.

I've been a little homesick lately, mostly for my college days, though. I've been reminiscing and letting myself enjoy all of the memories I made those four years. Even though sometimes I get a little sad, I can't help but be thankful that I have these memories to look back on. And since it's November, the recognized month of "Thankfulness", I thought I'd share a few things I'm thankful for that Huntingdon College gave me . . . 

1. four years of living with roommates who became life long friends.
2. an environment that challenged me to define my values, form opinions, and  develop tolerance for opposing views.
3. a sorority to call home for the rest of my life. #ChiO #SistersOnPurpose
4. three years of living on the tennis court and learning how to face adversity.
5. countless late nights, long hours, endless cups of coffee, all kinds of events, and the best memories to hold onto for the rest of my life. 

I'm happy that Huntingdon College is part of my life's story.

Probably my favorite picture --- Room 406, Junior Year
light roast. medium roast. dark roast. 

Sunday, November 6th

What a productive day. I woke up, enjoyed two cups of coffee while watching Terrace House --- seriously, I can't get enough! --- and then rode my bike to the gym.  I took advantage of the empty gym and used the free weight section. It was great! And instead of doing a run, I jumped on the cycling bike and did a spin session. I loved it!

After the gym I got cleaned up and headed out to my Japanese lesson. I felt so chic in my weekend outfit that I had to snap a picture. I also had a little bit of a workout high. My legs were all shaky and I had the giggles. I think I was a little delirious. 

B and I had such a good day at class. She is able to write and read hirigana and katagana so she spends her time working on sentence structure and grammar. I'm still trying to learn how to read and write hirigana. It's a slow a process for me because I do not study enough. I like to practice speaking and conversation. 

But, I realize that in order to progress in the direction that I want, I need to learn to read and write hirigana and katagana. I'm not worried about kanji, though. Maybe I'll get there one day. For now, I have enough to focus on.  We grabbed coffee at Tully's afterwards and let our brains decompress. Tully's launched two new holiday flavors --- Irish Cream and Mascarpone Tiramisu Latte. I tried the later and declared it better than the Halloween Pumpkin Latte. I couldn't help it. It was amazing!

I rushed back to my apartment because I had plans to go shopping for tennis equipment with my tennis coach. He has a point card that gets him a discount on merchandise during certain times of the month. We used the card and I was able to purchase omni court shoes, a bag, and two pairs of ear warmers for half price. I was thrilled! I'm obsessed with my Babolat equipment. The Babolat Pure Drive racket I bought it the racket I have always wanted. 

Throughout high school and college I played with Wilson rackets, but always envied those who used Babolat. I'm not sure why I didn't go with Babolat back then, but I have it now and that's what matters. I've been working on putting more spin on my forehand and avoiding flat shots. I'm sad to say that I do have a slight case of tennis elbow, but since switching to a lighter racket and adjusting my hitting style I haven't had too many problems. Old age is setting in ... [sad face].

For dinner I made miso rice and tofu. I'm trying to watch what I eat as the race gets closer. I've also gone ahead and cut excess bread out of my diet. It was a tough adjustment, but I'm loving the results and I have a lot more energy. 

I answered some emails, packed my bag for the work day, and enjoyed another episode of Terrace House.  It was a great weekend and I feel rejuvenated and ready for the week ahead.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Weekly Update & Weekend Recap: 久しぶり

October 24th - October 28th

It was an exciting week of school. I worked in many classes at JHS #2. I made Halloween decorations and even had the chance to make jack-o-lantern origami with my students.

October 29th

Saturday was spent playing mixed doubles at a new tennis center on omni courts.

Sunday, October 30th

Sunday was spent studying at Tully's and attending Japanese Lessons.