Saturday, January 28, 2017

Countdown: 20 Days of School


Life is getting busy. The year is coming to an end and I am just 20 school days from finishing my first teaching contract. 

Even though I plan on teaching again and extending my time here in Japan, I'm still sad about this year ending. I'm one of the lucky ALT's --- I love my schools, the people I work with, the students I teach, the place where I live ... I love EVERYTHING,  This year & this position have been more than good to me. I've experienced so much and enjoyed the whole process.

I'm a firm believer of life is what you make of it, but I can't say that I'm not nervous about how this next year will go. Regardless of what happens I know I'll make the best of it. That's my personality. But, since this year has been better than I could have imagined, how can next year compete?  I'm sure these are just my nerves talking. I always get this way when change is about to take place.

These next weeks are going to fly by. I have projects to finish and an extra long To Do list to get through before the goodbyes start. 

Highlight of the Week - Some of my students asked me, 
"Mickey, have you heard the new Taylor Swift song? It's I Don't Wanna Live Forever."