This weekend has been incredibly relaxing. It's the first weekend where I've been able to hang around my neighborhood. Usually, I'm out and about taking buses and trains to other areas. Don't get me wrong, I like going out and seeing all that Kyushu has to offer, but sometimes I like staying in.
On Saturday, I didn't sleep in as late as I thought I would. I was up by 7:30 and drinking coffee by 7:45. I made my way to the gym at 11 and did a whole hour of high incline walking.
BIG NEWS - I've decided to start training for a half marathon. Since this is my last year in Japan, I want to make sure I run a 20K race before I leave. Last year, I ran the Mojiko 10K and loved it. This year, I'm pushing myself to run a true half. I'll probably hate it and curse it the whole time I'm running, but when I finish I'll forget about all the pain and celebrate another completed half marathon.
The race will take place in Nagasaki on Sunday, November 19th. It's called the 2017 Nagaski Bay Side Marathon and Walk. I can't register until August 1st, but it's marked on my calendar.
I spent the rest of my Saturday cleaning, doing laundry, and grocery shopping. At the end of the day, I put on Breakfast at Tiffany's and poured myself a glass of wine.
Saturday was perfect.
This morning, I didn't sleep in at all. I was up before 7 getting ready for my day. I guess when I get enough the sleep the night before, I have no trouble getting up in the morning. In fact, I actually felt like a morning person this a.m. It was weird.
I made coffee and finished watching the rest of Breakfast at Tiffany's --- so relaxing.
At about 9, I left my apartment to go to the convenient store down the road. I wanted to treat myself to an iced latte. The weather is getting a lot warmer and I've been craving something cold.
With my iced coffee in hand I strolled around my neighborhood. It was so peaceful. There was hardly anyone out. I saw a few groups of students heading to school and sports practices, but other than that it was pretty quiet. I was having my own Breakfast at Tiffany's moment.
Here are the pictures from my Sunday stroll ...
Bright blue skies ...
Windy roads ...
Hydrangea bushes ...
Japanese gardens ...
At about 13:00, two JET ALTs came over to my apartment, N and S. We were all going to be heading to the garden party together. Our Japanese friend was going to pick us all up. We got together early though, because we wanted to have a little pre-party --- a.k.a a couple glasses of wine.
Our Japanese friend, M, came by at 13:45 to pick us up. We were all really excited to be attending another one of these parties. The last time we went was back in November. We weren't sure what performances or poetry readings were going to be given this afternoon, we just knew that we would leave feeling more cultured.
When we arrived to the home where the party was being hosted, we were relieved to see that everything would be happening inside. We had all mentally prepared for this party to be outdoors and in the heat. It was such a pleasant surprise.
The performances started at 14:00. We listened to a man read poetry, while another man painted an abstract piece using charcoal, and a woman played the piano. We also watched two women perform an interpretive dance. My favorite part was watching the man paint and then seeing his finished piece. I like abstract pieces and would have really loved to take his painting home. During the intermission I was able to talk to him about his artwork. He spoke a little English, and I did my best to answer his questions for me in Japanese. It was a fun exchange.
Here are the pictures from the garden party ...
Summer Garden Party 2017
Summer Garden Party 2017
Summer Garden Party 2017
Name tags for the Summer Garden Party 2017
Abstract charcoal painting, Summer Garden Party 2017
In true Japanese style, all shoes are must be left at the door.
Refreshments: ginger-ale & citrus cake, Summer Garden Party 2017
Summer Garden Party 2017
Summer Garden Party 2017
This weekend was much needed. It's important for me to have time to myself to reflect, think, and adjust my perspective. Sometimes I forget that I'm living in Japan away from my friends and family. I'm starting to become used to my life and my routine here. I'm starting to feel like Japan is really my place of residence. It's bitter sweet. I'm starting to feel real life grown pains.
I'm glad I had this weekend to rest and reflect, because next weekend I'll be jumping back into Japanese lessons and adventures with Shoko-san.
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"If you're not afraid, then you're not doing it right." -- Loosely based on a quote from Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights. When N, S, and I were drinking, this is what we were talking about. It seemed more than fitting for not only this weekend, but the point of life that I'm at. I'm going to hold this as my mantra for a little while.