Friday, May 26, 2017

Traditional Japanese Food - Washoku

Before returning to the US for vacation I had lunch with a couple of my Japanese friends.  They took me out to a restaurant that offered a variety of traditional Japanese food so I could pick something authentic for my 'last meal'. Traditional Japanese style food is called washoku (わしょく). Here's what our table looked like ...

Traditional Japanese Meal Sets 

On the way back to my apartment they took me through an area that had some cherry blossoms in bloom. I loved seeing the tree lined streets speckled with the pink and white blossoms. I cannot explain how disappointing it was to find out that my trip to the US was during the time when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom in Japan. I guess this just means I'll have to stay long enough next year to see them!

Sakura (cherry blossom trees)

Sakura (cherry blossom trees)

It didn't take my friends in Japan long to find out how much I love Starbucks. Before dropping me off at my apartment to finish packing for the US, they took me to pick up a latte. I was so happy! Any excuse to go Starbucks is fine with me. And I'm not exaggerating when I say how impressive Japanese Starbucks stores are. They're always clean, inviting, and you never have to wonder if you're picking up your drink or someone else's. They have a queue system that I wish the US would adapt.

So with my Starbucks and genuine excitement to be returning to the US to see my family and friends after 8 months, I was packed and ready for the airport in no time.

Futajima Starbucks, Kitakyushu, Japan