Saturday, January 6, 2018

Kanmon Pedestrian Tunnel

Today I walked.

I walked to Orio Station and boarded a train bound for Mojiko.

I walked around Mojiko Retro.

I walked from Mojiko Retro to Mekari Park. 

I walked around Mekari Park.

I walked from Kyushu, Japan's southern island, to Honshu, Japan's main island.

I walked to the entrance on the Kyushu side; took an elevator down 60 meters; walked 780 meters underwater; took an elevator up 60 meters; and stepped onto Honshu.

I walked around Mimosusogawa Park.

I walked to a Shinto Shrine.

I walked through the tunnel and back to Kyushu.

I walked back to Mojiko Retro and boarded a train back to Orio.

I walked home from Orio Station.

Today I walked.

I walked fast. I walked slow. I walked without headphones. I walked tall. I walked with a sense of adventure. I walked on the sidewalk; the street; the track; paved paths; and trails. I walked looking forward. I walked looking back. I walked to walk. Today I walked.

Take a look . . . 

Today was a full day.