As of Friday, September 23rd, I have been in Japan for 101 days. I can't believe it! It doesn't seem like it's been that long. As I think back to my first days living here so much has changed. I've grown as a person and come into my role as an Assistant Language Teacher. My Japanese ability has improved considerably. Even though I still am at a loss for words most of the time, I have a better handle of what is going on around me. I am able to pick up on context clues and simple phrases. I don't feel like a wide eyed doe everywhere I go now. I've joined a Japanese tennis league, bought a bike, and have found a place to take Japanese language lessons. I've taken taxi's, trains, buses, and rides for Japanese friends. I can finally turn down the offer of "to-go" chopsticks at the grocery store, which is great because my pantry was becoming crowded with them. I know where to shop for work clothes and I know what size I am in Japanese clothing. I have invested in glass wine glasses and use the plastic ones for water now. I check my mail regularly and have learned how to reduce my electricity and gas bills. I've come a long way since stepping of the plane, but I still have a long way to go. I'm enjoying my journey through japan more than ever.
With all that being said, I do have to say that I finally experienced homesickness. I think it's the weather and the change of seasons, whatever the case, I found myself thinking of my old bed; Starbucks PSL's; college football and tailgates; country music; and driving my own car.
I'm so thankful for FaceTime, Facebook, Skype, Google Hangouts, ... and every other social media platform that keeps me in touch with my friends and family, but nothing compares to seeing them in person. However, I absolutely love what I am doing and wouldn't trade it for anything else.
So here's how I spent my week. You've probably noticed that I haven't taken any big adventures lately. That's because I've been focusing on enjoying my local area. I'm also staying busy with school, work, tennis, running, and language lessons. I'm sure I'll have some big adventures soon, but for now I like staying local.
September 19, 2106
I had Monday off and was able to relax around the apartment. There was a Typhoon that was heading towards Japan that brought heavy rain and wind. I didn't venture outside because it was really dreary. Instead, I made loads of coffee and ate breakfast food all day. And to be honest, I had to recover from the night before.
All the rain the typhoon brought messed up my internet connection. I took the opportunity to install the "life stick" my apartment complex sent over about 1 month ago. The "life stick" is like the Google Chrome stick except it's from android. Anyway, in the unsuccessful process of installing the stick (it worked for about 15 minutes --- false happiness) I'm pretty sure I scheduled an appointment for an apartment representative to come to my apartment. I was going through the set up screens trying my best to decipher the Japanese writing when before I knew it I was entering my name, phone number, apartment number, and the day and time I wanted to stop by. So when the day rolls around I'll be very curious to see what actually happens.
In the evening I ventured over to C's apartment and visited with the other ALT's. The night before O and N had come over to C's to celebrate her birthday. I would've gone but I had the work party to go to. Fortunately, they had stayed the night at C's so I was able to see them for a little bit. We started to watch part of Dear Eleanor, but stopped about half way through because it was just too weird and slow.
For the rest of the night I tidied up around my apartment and did laundry. I ended my night with Gilmore Girls on Netflix.
Happy Birthday C!
Thanks for the donut C!
September 20, 2016
Tuesday was another day off. I didn't sleep in because I wanted to get my day started. I had planned to go for a morning run, but the rain and crazy wind was still lingering from the typhoon. It all worked out though because I was able to Facebook video chat with my best friend from Texas, B! It was so good to see her face and catch up. I haven't talked to her since my move to Japan.
In the afternoon I went across the road and did some grocery and housewares shopping. I bought the cutest little dishes at the 100 Yen store. Since fall is in the air I've been doing a lot more cooking. I decided that it was time for me to invest in cute dishes. I bought a little Japanese pot for miso soup; two new rice bowl dishes; and a sushi platter. At the grocery store I bought ingredients for miso soup. I decided to start making my own instead of buying the pre-mixed packages.
I also walked down a few side roads just to explore. I'm glad I did because I found new restaurants and bars I had no idea existed. The picture above is the store front of a yakitori restaurant/street vendor.
I walked up to 7-11 to get cash from the ATM. On Wendesday I have a work dinner to attend. I like the way parties work in Japan. The idea is each person pays a fixed price and for a certain amount of hours everyone can eat and drink as much as they want. It's really a cool concept. The work dinner party I attended was the same way.
I went for a short run before dinner. The 10 km race is scheduled for the end of November. That gives me a little less than 2 months to train. I have a few different routes that I run around my neighborhood. Each route includes some type of hill because I have this awful feeling that the race course will have hills. It's just a hunch, but I want to be prepared. And I couldn't help but show off my new "catch all" dish. It was only 100 yen! Kawaii!
For dinner:
salmon nigiri, roe sushi, uni sushi, sushi rice with nori, yellow pickled radish, & sliced ginger
For dessert:
old fashioned chocolate dipped donut
September 21, 2016
Happy Sports Day! I had been looking forward to this day for weeks! After hours of practicing and preparation I finally was able to experience the actual event. It exceeded my expectations. I had the best time cheering the students on. I was so impressed!
Breakfast: coffee, matcha granola w/ yogurt, plain donut, & banana slices
After Sports Day was over I headed back to my apartment to change into my dinner clothes. The company was hosting a dinner in Kokura that I had RSVP'd to. I was excited to go since I hadn't been to Kokura in a while. I grabbed a train and was walking into the restaurant before I knew it. The dinner was great. We had a private room upstairs and had a variety of yakitori and a constant supply of drinks. It's always fun to catch up with other ALT's.
The night ended with karaoke . . .
September 22, 2016
Autumn Equinox - National Holiday in Japan, No School
Lots and lots of green tea . . .
desperately trying to re-balance.
September 23, 2016
Today was a normal day at school. I worked in a couple of classes and then it was "Hello, Weekend!". In the morning I woke up feeling a little under the weather. I stopped at 7-11 and for a regular iced coffee hoping that would give me the pick me up I needed. It definitely helped because I had a great day at school.
[Insert story of the English Crew]
I decided not to attend the tennis group because I thought it was better to take time to rest. I was in bed by 8:00 pm!
I'm glad I was able to give my body time to rest and re-balance.
It was an interesting week to say the least. Having days off during the week was nice, but it really threw off my routine. I'm looking forward to this upcoming week at school and being back on a normal schedule.
For the weekend I have a few things planned:
- 5 k run
- my first Japanese Language Lesson
- tennis racket shopping
- PURITA charcoal face mask