For the last 21 months, this dropped pin has been my home.
It's been my own space,
my comfort zone,
my hideout.
It didn't take me long to settle in. I loved the space from the moment I stepped inside. I can still remember what it was like walking into it for the first time. It was so bright and bare.
It was a clean slate.
But in no time at all, the entry way housed my shoes, rain coats, and clear umbrellas. In the kitchen, the cabinets stored my coffee mugs and wine glasses. The studio functioned just as it should, being my work space, bedroom, monochromatic closet, and entrance to my quaint patio.
It was comfortable, too comfortable.
And just like I changed, so did my space. As I grew into my life here, I started to shed the things that once comforted me the most --- sentimental trinkets, pieces of clothing, accessories ... etc. My perspective changed and I began to simplify. I started to look at everything differently. I started to sternly question myself, my intentions, and my reasons behind bringing anything new into the space. I used that same mindset when evaluating the things I had accumulated and it helped me purge and downsize.
So for the past 3 months, I've been living simpler than I ever have before. And I think that's one of the reasons I'm finding it so hard to leave Japan. I love, absolutely love my space. I know I'll be able to recreate this again. I'm not worried about that. I'm just sad to have to say goodbye to this one. It's my first ... and well, that means so much to me.
My move out day is less than a month away. Final appointments have been scheduled, さようなら Parties have been set, and my plane ticket is waiting to be printed. It's all very real.
There's so much I'll miss about Japan, like this list of 99 things from Japan-Talk, but what I'll miss most is my apartment and my space.
So I'll continue to pack and purge all the way up until my last 48 hours. For my last 48 hours, I want to have everything packed, cleaned, and ready, so that I can once again enjoy my bare apartment and clean slate. It's one of those moments that I can already tell will feel priceless.
Until then, I have so much to do.
じゃ、 またね。