So before the さようなら パーテイ, farewell dinners, and goodbyes really begin, I wanted to share this. This is my love letter not only to Japan, but to a time in my life that has meant so much.
いきましょう . . .
It’s not you, it’s me. If I don’t leave now, I never will. I love you, it’s true, but I love my future more. Coming here was one of the best decisions of my life. Growing up in Okinawa, Japan was a lucky chance. Coming back here after 10 years though, was a choice. A choice that I'll always be proud of.
The thing is though, I’m ready for a new adventure. I’m ready to challenge myself, push myself, and try what I’ve feared most. And I have you to thank for this. You gave me time, space, and a new perspective. I’m changed because of you --- ありがとうございました。
They say your twenties are your selfish years … Well, that’s what I’m going to continue to do – be selfish with my time. And since I’m halfway through my twenties, I’ve got to spend what’s left wisely.
You gave me the opportunity to remove myself from everything I know and focus on me -
my wants, dreams, desires, passions, beliefs, fears, habits, life choices, financial insecurities . . . everything that makes me, me.
And just because I’m leaving you, it doesn’t mean I’m leaving this mentality you’ve given me behind. I’m taking it with me. It’s a new part of me, a new way of thinking.
So until we meet again, because I'm sure we will, thank you. Thank you for 21 months of . . .
1) Genuine hospitality, kindness, friendship, and patience
2) Convenient Store Bliss - 7-11 coffee, umeboshi onigiri, soft boiled eggs, and clear umbrellas
3) Punctuality and Reliability - knowing that public transportation is something I can trust
4) Safety - it's a feeling I'll never take for granted
5) Respect - for people, places, property, ideas, opinions . . .
6) Brands I Believe In - UNIQLO, MUJI, Softbank's Pepper
7) Inspiring Design - where past, present, and future all function together
8) Native English & ESL - Interac, my JHS, Japanese Conversation Class
9) Culture - language, festivals, design, food, vending machines, stationary, inside shoes . . .
10) Priceless Time - every conversation, encounter, double take, deep breath, smile, laugh, gesture, unspoken communication, moment of doubt, simple surprise, and frustration, created memories for a lifetime
Leaving you is not easy, but I’m ready. As cliché as it is, it’s now or never. Thank you for your patience with me. I’ll never forget the way that you made me feel.
See you!
じゃ またね!
So until we meet again, because I'm sure we will, thank you. Thank you for 21 months of . . .
1) Genuine hospitality, kindness, friendship, and patience
2) Convenient Store Bliss - 7-11 coffee, umeboshi onigiri, soft boiled eggs, and clear umbrellas
3) Punctuality and Reliability - knowing that public transportation is something I can trust
4) Safety - it's a feeling I'll never take for granted
5) Respect - for people, places, property, ideas, opinions . . .
6) Brands I Believe In - UNIQLO, MUJI, Softbank's Pepper
7) Inspiring Design - where past, present, and future all function together
8) Native English & ESL - Interac, my JHS, Japanese Conversation Class
9) Culture - language, festivals, design, food, vending machines, stationary, inside shoes . . .
10) Priceless Time - every conversation, encounter, double take, deep breath, smile, laugh, gesture, unspoken communication, moment of doubt, simple surprise, and frustration, created memories for a lifetime
Leaving you is not easy, but I’m ready. As cliché as it is, it’s now or never. Thank you for your patience with me. I’ll never forget the way that you made me feel.
See you!
じゃ またね!