Sunday, March 12, 2017

New Normal

The sun is shining and has been for the past couple of days. Even though I run the risk of jinxing myself and everyone else, I'm going to say it. Spring is here! I am so happy! I literally had a spring in my step when I was walking to the train stop the other day because I didn't have to wear boots or socks to keep warm. It was 60 degrees and sunny!

The winter was cold, uncomfortable, and at times down right miserable. I don't know how I would have fared any further north. With that being said, I sure do love winter clothes though. I had a lot of fun bundling up this year and learning how to layer effectively. I still swear by Uniqlo's HEATECH clothing.  That's all that I plan on wearing next year.

Now that the sun is out there's no looking back. I am ready for warmer weather and a sun tan. 
Seriously, I've never been this pale in my life.

The change in seasons finally inspired me to tackle spring cleaning. Over the span of a few days I cleaned my apartment. I went through almost everything. Truth -- I'm still sorting through paperwork and school material. It's hard to know what to keep and what to let go of. Besides that though, everything else is done. So I thought I'd share some pictures. 

Disclaimer --- I know how odd these pictures look. If someone would have showed these to me before I moved to Japan, I would have laughed and said "No way, my apartment will not look like that." But this is my new normal and I love it. It's totally different than any way I've ever lived before, but I wouldn't change much about it.

The idea of my life in Japan being my "new normal" struck something inside of me. I started to think about the ways in which I've changed since moving here. So I put together a list of what I could think of off the top of my head. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm still shocked daily by some new cultural element, but overall, I've settled in and am living relatively comfortably.  The initial shock of moving abroad has worn off. I've developed routines and habits. I've gotten to the point where some things have become second nature.

Here are some examples ...

While I'm happy and proud of myself for settling in, I know that it's time for me to make some changes and get back to being uncomfortable.  That's why I'm really looking forward to having another year in Japan. I've got another year to study the language, explore the land, and honestly do things that scare me. My goal is to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. 

Last thing ...

This week I was inspired by NPR's Ted Radio Hour episode "Decisions Decisions Decisions"?  It got me thinking about the choices I make and the reasons behind them.  Very interesting.